Our main goal as a non profit organization is to build vocational center in each school district to provide more resources for the youth to participate and engage in. This initiative will assist in empowering our youth In career readiness, identifying their God given talents and gifting skills, mentoring mechanisms and opportunity to grow in personally, focused and commitment future citizens in our community
Rescue1 Youth Club!

Comprehensive Mentoring and Coaching...

Inspire and empower youth to discuss important issues, explore potential, achieve goals, and build a supportive community.

Rescue1 Youth Club!


We are a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering the youth, young adults, individuals and under served schools and students through mentorship, life skills training, and community involvement. Our mission is to help them discover their potentials, build confidence, become self sufficient, teaching skill set resilience, and thrive as leaders in their communities.
Our Sponsors

Our Goal

Our main goal as a non profit organization is to build vocational centers in each school community to provide more resources for the youth to participate and engage in hands on experience skill training in order for them to harness it and monetize in the future in addition to their career path. This initiative will assist in empowering our youth In career readiness, identifying their God given talents and gifting skills, mentoring mechanisms and opportunity to grow in personally, focused and commitment future citizens in our community.

Our Vision

Our vision is designed to create opportunities for children who lack resources and tools to identify and develop hidden skills and talents. The disadvantages and challenges children encounter propel our organization to empower them positively.

Our Mission

Our mission specifically is to give voice to youth audience, to empower them to discuss important issues, explore their potential, achieve purpose, provide resources to support their future goals and foster a sense of community.

Our Objectives

We aim to achieve this

Healthy Routine & Lifestyle

Encourage children to build healthy routines through chores and cleaning, promoting responsibility, accountability, and discipline.

Financial Literacy

Understanding the value of money, how to save and how to make good financial choices later in the future.

Growth & Character Dev.

Foster a future of balanced, disciplined, and responsible individuals through holistic learning that supports personal growth and character development.

Tidiness and Organization

Research shows a strong link between cluttered homes and increased depression, fatigue, poor focus, unhealthy habits, and hygiene issues.

Our Value

Our Values C.R.I.D.E


We embody Commitment, Respect, Inclusivity, Diversity, and Empowerment, guiding our actions and shaping our community.

  • Community
  • Respect
  • Inclusivity
  • Diversity
  • Empowerment

Introducing a high school student to talk about financial literacy to young people.

Volunteer speaking about the TidyMeCool programme.

Attendees and Parents at TidyMeCool Launch.

Relatives who came to support TidyMeCool launch.

Our Topics

From character development to educational and cultural discussions, we talk it all